October News



We look forward to seeing you at the event on September 18, 2018 at the Walter E. Convention in Washington, DC. Thank you for your support! Women of Leadership and Excellence Award Press Release

July News

Happy July 4th to all our Members and Supporters!

AHCC was busy during June. Due to popular demand, we aired a second running of our Procore Webinar – “Street Smart” Contracting with Alan Paquette and Jeff Shannon. One of our listeners said, “I wish I had this information sooner!” Alan and Jeff provided key insights into contract risk mitigation using their crafted and tested “Street Smart” Contracting program coupled with the best practices with regard to the implementation and applications of Procore, the number one project management software solution. The webinar was recorded and is on sale for your listening pleasure. Please contact us for more information Read more

May & June News

During the Month of May, AHCC hosted a Webinar to educate our members on the number-one project management software program, Procore. The presenters, Alan Paquette and Jeff Shannon, have exclusive rights to sell Procore at a reduced cost for our members, less than if you bought directly from Procore Read more

April News

We are proud to say that in the month of April, AHCC provided two highly educational presentations. Howard County Community College, an AHCC supporter, graciously donated space at their Charles Ecker Business School for our Wells Fargo Bank presentation, our Platinum Corporate Alliance Partner, led by Meylin Doram, Business Banking Specialist and Courtney Deramus, Wells Fargo at Work Program Manager, who enlightened us all on Wells Fargo Works for Small Business. Read more